Nebraska & Switzerland Events

Some pics taken while Cruising Nebraska!

A summary at

Trade connections Swiss
Trade connections

Christmas 2023 event

The christmas event this year was very special. SCS software made a seperate Xmas area where the packages had to be delivered! You can read more about it in the summary below. Here are some of my screenshots.

Summary :

Achievement picture

Xmas and Texas Events

SCS Software posted a summary on steam, the numbers are quite impressive :).

You can check out the other stats on their site! I completed both events as well and did some extra gift deliveries during the Xmas hollidays. Here are a few screenshots.

Christmas Trucking

Every christmas for a few years now, SCS has a christmas event where you deliver Christmas gifts. And this year I participated once again. Got my 12 packages delivered, which was fun to do during the holidays around new years and christmas, in both Eurotruck & American truck sim. And I did some extra, they also pay very well, which is nice for ATS, since I am not very rich yet in that one ;). Here are some screenshots !

ATS Utah

Lately I have been playing more American Truck Sim. Ever since the last few DLCs came. They add more diversity to the terrain and make the whole experience a lot better than just driving through the desert most of the time ;). Love the new Utah dlc. Here are some screenshots from my recent travels.

Utah Scenic
Scenic shot while moving through Utah
ATS screenshot
Sleeping over while moving cars.
My shiny volvo, which was still red at 1st. Sleeping over before taking on the next haul.
ATS – This trailer was hard to maneuver in the city!
Passing by a memorial site
Passing by a memorial site

The Special Transport DLC

This DLC is now available for only 4,99 and it adds quite a bit of fun to the game. A special transport can now be gotten from one of the cities mentioned in an email you get (in game), once you buy the DLC. I’ve made a video going from Brussels to Amsterdam you can check out below.

Also took a bunch of screenshots you can see in the album here. Enjoy :).

Italia DLC

On december 5th this new DLC was launched ! I did a few streams (one of them linked below, check the youtube channel for more) on that day and thereafter.

It’s pretty good ! Lots of attention to detail, new type of roads, garages, pickup points for cargo and overall lovely scenery. Especially liked Sicily, wonderful little towns there.